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CBCD continues pursuing additional NRCS funding for on-farm infrastructure

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) will soon be announcing the next application period for the Environmental Quality Incentives Program – WaterSMART Initiative (EQIP-WSI) and the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) for 2023.

The Columbia Basin Conservation District (CBCD), with the support of OGWRP partners, was recently awarded $6.1 million for EL 80.6 and EL 84.7 on-farm infrastructure.

Both the RCPP and EQIP-WSI are programs that supply financial aid to construct the on-farm infrastructure necessary for connecting to the new OGWRP pump stations and laterals.

EL 47.5 on-farm connection; Photo by: Nate Gallahan, NRCS

CBCD is currently developing proposals for projects that have made considerable progress toward completing the engineering designs on the EL 11.8, EL 22.1, and the EL 86.4. If you are a producer on one of these systems, you can look forward to hearing from us shortly.

Gathering specific project needs is a critical part of developing project budgets which are a key part of proposal development. We will continue to reach out to all stakeholders and producers on lateral systems that have yet to begin setting up grower groups.

We encourage you to contact CBCD if you have any questions or would like us to aid you in moving forward.

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